Personal Tutoring

If you want direct tutoring to help out with your 3D art journey this is something I proudly offer! With just a bit of personal guidance in how to use blender/unity you can unlock your full potential! We can get you there!

What I can teach

My Primary Practical skills to teach are:- Modelling
- UV Unwrapping
- Texturing
- Rigging
- Weight Painting
- Posing
- Blendshapes
- Basic Animation
- Porting to VR Chat
- Porting to VRM/VSF
- General Blender Usage
My Primary Theoretical skills to teach are:- Composition
- Ethics of Art
- Structuring a Business
- Leading a community
- Art History
- Developing as a freelance artist
I may be able to teach other topics too! Just ask if you're curious!

What to Expect

1 on 1 Highly Personal TutoringAs part of being tutored I will get to know your skills, how you learn, where you want to go and a whole host of personalisation in how you receive your tutoring.

Recorded SessionsTutorials can be freely recorded so you can refer to them beyond the session and kept privately or even made publicly with your permission!

Single or Multiple SessionsDepending on your need I can organise a set of lessons to go through or just a single session if you just want to fill in a gap in your knowledge base


How much is tutoring?
I charge a flat rate of $40 for an hour of direct tutoring.
I know absolutely nothing about 3D
I would say attempt to learn some basics yourself prior to tutoring but on the occasion that's something you have difficulty with you can apply for a tutoring session
What Skill level is your tutoring intended for?
Beginners to Intermediate 3D artists. I can still teach advanced users so long as I have an understanding of the level of skill in the topic to be tutored
I Have ADHD or attention issues
So long as i'm made aware of any worries around being able to focus prior to a tutoring session I will do my absolute best to accommodate you.
When can I get Tutored?
Mostly whenever works for you, I work on scheduling with a very flexible schedule so it's very likely I can work to your timeframe.
I only got a single session but need more
Multiple sessions can be arranged after a single session, the main issue here is having to wait until I'm able to fit you into my schedule again.
What Qualifications do you have?
PLEASE NOTE: I'm not a qualified teacher. I do have a Masters Degree in Creative Practice and a 2:1 Honours Degree in Games Design. I've been making character models for upwards of 7 years now.